

Brauerei Mauritius

On 19 May we visited a local brewery. History and guided tours of the plant after it has given us a master brewer. It is one of the oldest establishments in the city, but also one of the most modern brewery in the Germany. We met production of beer from start to finish.


Dnia 25 maja udalismy sie do Horchmuseum mieszczacego sie niedaleko naszego zakladu pracy. Poznalismy tam historie marki audi. Mielismy okazje podziwiania zabytkowych samochodow Horcha. Szczegolnie ciekawym przezyciem bylo odzwierciedlenie pracy sportowego samochodu Horcha.


On the first weekend of our stay, we went on a trip to the capital of Saxony-Dresden. We left Zwickau about 8 oclock. Travell was a success quickly and efficiently, lasted one and a half hours. When we went to the first point of our trip, we was suprised, because it turned out that we came on a day of jazz music. At the beginning of the trip we visited the Zwinger architectural. Mrs. tour guide told us interesting stories about this building, then we went to the Old Town, where we saw: the procession ducal church. Cross, Holy Trinity Cathedral. We did a lot of pictures there. Later we visited muzemum of Green Vault where we admired the collections of jewels and many beautiful works of art. Then we went to the museum where we watched Rüstkammer exhibitions and collections of military insignia of Saxon electors. The last point of the trip was the museum of cars - Verkehrsmuseum. We saw there first models of cars, ships and aircraft, old locomotives and wagons. There was also an antique bicycles. We left Dresden at 17 pm.


In the Children's Day, which was June 1 we went on the trip to the German capital - Berlin. Reveille was at 3 a.m. First we went to the bus from the dorm which was drove to the central station. Our train was leaving at 5:05. On the way to Berlin we had two transfers (in Leipzig, Dessau). Travelling passed quietly, since most slept a short time. On the main train station in Berlin, we were wheel 10 hours We went on the tram, which We traveled two stops. Our first goal was to aquarium-AquaDom & SeaLife. Located in the more than four thousand species of marine animals, and about one million liters of water. Having been there the whole time we felt like we were surrounded by water. The big attraction for us was to terminate itself, which consisted of traveling involved a room of mirrors. Then we went to the Park Inn, where we were able to enter the 37 floor. From there we had a perfect vantage point of the city. For some of us the ride of elevator was overwhelming but fortunately there were no complications. After went down we had to ate a hot meal. A part of us took advantage of sausages at the fete organized on the occasion of Children's Day, others deign to drown his teeth in a Turkish kebab. We had the opportunity to see TV Tower, but unfortunately we didn’t entrance to honor there. Later we went to get a tour of museums. We were in the "Neues Museum" and the "Altes Museum". We could admire the Egyptian art and sculpture Roman, Greek and Etruscan. On the same day in Berlin hosted the finals of the German Cup stocks a large number of supporters Bayern and Stuttgart. Our last goal was to proceed to the Branderburk gate from where we went on our train. We left Berlin at 17:17 and the place we were only about 22 hours Back from the train broke down in Zwickau and begun to raining.


